Saturday, October 31, 2020

Feeling like a failure, but in reality, you’re a winner!

  So this title might sound a little off, but let me explain what I mean. I will give some examples of what I have been through and how I improved from that in becoming a winner at life! Not everyday will you feel like a winner, but trust me, you are more then capable of being a winner and enjoying a rich life! 
   Don’t let anyone ever guilt trip you in making you believe that you failed. I know this feeling way to well. To start off, I never ever ever dreamed I would have moved to Asia and have a family here. I had only planned to be here 2 years or so (went into full time ministry during my gap year). However, seemed God had different plans? It was my second year in Taiwan when I was overwhelmed with anxiety and worry over what I could possibly do back home after being gone for 2 years in Asia. I would have had to start all
My students worked extremely hard to learn how to read this whole book! They were able to read it to their parents. This is what my happiness is! 

over again! Seemed my friends/family got caught up in their mundane lives and I was gonna come back, empty handed. Yet, full of experiences/stories of my ministry here in Asia! However, not everyone had that excitement that you have of being fresh off the mission  field (I can sooo understand missionaries now, and their passion for their ministries in other countries!) 
   Not a lot of people will ask “So, how did your time in Taiwan go? What was it like? What were the biggest challenges?” Most people expect you to just rant on about your adventures/experiences until they become soo bored with hearing you out, they will begin to tune you out. You cannot not  tell of all the exciting adventures you were able to have and the amazing people you met! Nobody gets it or wl until they experience it, but most people in general just get caught up in the everyday and wouldn’t even think twice of leaving all they had for other people in a foreign land! 
  I am my biggest advocate! I am the one I go to when I’m lonely, struggling, hurt, etc. I’ve always had to do that for myself!  Many times I’ve had to remind myself that I’m a Winner!!  Despite how I’m feeling or what people say. Do I have any regrets!? Absolutely not!! I have been to able to reach a lot of people in such a short time and see them blossom and grow in new knowledge! That’s the epitome of joy for me! I love what I do and would never trade it for any other experience in the world. Don’t let anyone tell you different or brainwash you! YOU.ARE.A.WINNER!! 

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Getting real about myself

   Iwant to start my post off by asking, " What keeps you motivated? What drives you to be better every day?" And I think for most people, they would say " Someone who cares about me and encourages me. Someone who doesn't judge me and accepts me for who I am." That my friends is: LOVE <3  Everyone wants to be loved and shown love to. I do hope that all my readers are encouraged by this post and can understand a little bit about myself and how far I have come to be who I am today.
 One of my favorite things to learn is about people and relationships. It has been by my goal to learn how to form strong, trustworthy, long-lasting relationships, wherever I am. I , for one, am a very enthusiastic, warm,  friendly and people-loving woman, that I find myself sometimes scaring people off first impression! ( which is not my goal at all) However, I was not always this friendly, out-going, enthusiastic person that most people know. It took me years to learn how to accept myself for who I am and not compare myself to everyone around me. There was a time in my life where I was so shy, that you wouldn't find me in a group of friends or chatting up a storm with a stranger. I wouldn't dare be the first to speak up in a group or raise my hand to ask questions/answer questions in a public setting. I always felt left-out and unneeded. I would look up to my older siblings and say " If only I was like them. If only I could be exactly like them and have what they have." But reality said " Yanna, you are not them, or ever will get the chance to be them, so be yourself and concentrate on yourself and be your own person."
   For the longest time, I hated who I was and wished myself away to being more like so-and-so instead of focusing on my own self. It wasn't until I had gone to In The Gap at 18 years old. ( for those of you who don't know, In The Gap is a non-profit organization, which focuses on bringing Character into the inner city public schools, as well as have after-school Bible clubs in Oklahoma City.(  ) where I had found my real passion: Being an encouragement to hurting people and helping them learn to become better and successful in daily life. I had found my "calling" and knew that this is what I wanted to be doing with my life. Every day I was surrounded by children whose daily needs were never met and whose parents have either been in and out of jail, on drugs, or in some type of witness protection program. I would come back to my dorm room in tears every day, listening to these innocent children tell me how they would get beat by their own parents. I would have kids, as young as 5-6 years old, who have never seen their birth father, because he was in jail for abuse/drugs/etc. It hurt me to see these children be treated like this at such a young age!! Every day, our team of about 30-40 would go into these broken, inner city schools, where the test average was below 60 and try to teach these children that change started with themselves. I would tutor several 5'th and 6'th graders who didn't even know how to read, because their classroom focused so much on discipline and behavior problems. I witnessed a teacher being pushed to the wall and yelled at in her face by her own 5'th grade student. This broke my heart so much that I was determined to stop focusing on myself and my selfishness and shift the focus to those around me.
  I went from every day, throwing pity parties, to speaking about Forgiveness and Gratefulness to classrooms filled with hurting children. I went from being shy/scared of everyone, to being filled with courage and boldness and proclaiming truth to a hurting younger generation. My eyes were opened and my heart full of gratitude for my parents, and how much they have sacrificed to bring me and my biological sister and my 5 other adopted siblings out of the orphanage/ foster care, and into the free country: AMERICA ( for those who don't know, I was adopted from Russia at the age of 4 with my sister).  So what changed? What happened to me that now, takes me half-way across the world to serve/minister children in Taiwan? One word : Truth
My passion has lead me to travel to Asia 
   For the first time, I was seeing firsthand, what people were dealing with on a daily basis. I began to also really invest and work on myself and my insecurities and learn how to effectively become better. I learned to be disciplined and follow a tight schedule. I learned how to sacrifice my time/energy for someone else. My time was being filled with giving love and encouragement to hurting children around me. Yes, it was draining, exhausting but it was the best decision I made as a teenager. The best year I had ever spent, was serving with In The Gap and Chad Christiansen and his team in the OKC inner city public schools, being the light and truth to people around us.    With all that to say, I have seen truth and know what reality is really like outside of the bubble that I was put in growing up, and decided that I didn't like what I saw. I decided that this was my passion. This is what keeps me going every day. This is what I love doing! I love seeing people become better and successful because someone had spent their time investing into their life. Someone had shown them love and support, something that was foreign to them. This my friends, is what keeps me motivated. This is what takes up my time. This is what drives me to become a better me everyday! Hope this has inspired you to get out of your comfort zone, and get into something that you are passionate about. You never know what that might be, until you take that leap of faith and act on that. Everything else will follow.

Monday, September 5, 2016

New Year, New Goals

   This year marks my second year serving in Taiwan with IBLP and HTC Foundation. I have enjoyed my experience serving the people of Taiwan. Not only have I learned about a different culture, I have also experienced some of the struggles people have with being a Christian in another country outside of America. I am excited to see how this year differs from last year.
Love the smiles!
 Today is my first day back to school. I am going into this year excited to see God's hand at work, yet nervous at what to expect. There are quite a handful of challenges that come along with serving over seas. My goal for this glorify God in my service here as well as my friendships. I have been involved with my college friends and have been counseling quite a few of them in learning the Christian faith.
  Taiwan, with only 3% Christian population is still new to this "foreign" religion. This country, being under the influence of Communist China, is under so much oppression and fear. From a young age, children are taught to fear the evil spirits, lest they will be cursed and have them indwell them. My heart is burdened for the children and young people of Taiwan. Every day, fear is used to discipline and have authority over the children.
  New year comes with new goals. My goal is to reach more of the people of Taitung ( the county I serve) with the Gospel and light of Jesus' love and grace. " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this air."